This Web site has been created to help you be more prepared in the event of future emergencies.
What can you do now?
- Keep the UCSB Emergency Information Flip Chart immediately available for quick reference
- Complete or review your “Building-Specific Emergency Information” locations of exits, fire extinguishers, etc. (last page of flip chart), and become familiar with your Building Emergency Assembly Points
- All University personnel are strongly encouraged to register for UCSB Alert, an emergency text messaging service at
- Review your local Department Emergency Action Plan (DEOP)
- Know your Department Safety Representative (DSR) by using the EH&S Web site and doing a “Search” on your department.
- Emergency Response Program for Access and Functional Needs
Planning and Personal Responsibilities
“First Steps” – Personal Communication Plan
Maintaining Personal Emergency Supplies:
- At Work, at home, and in your car (checklist)
EH&S Training
- CPR/AED and First Aid for Adults Training
- Fire Extinguisher Training (to scheduled a department training, please call (805) 893-7751)